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23:47 07/11/2014

mini bounce before sp going lower

22:41 07/11/2014

will need to go down to 5-6p between now and next year before a big massive bounce like we seen with london ming before it stopped trading but ami will continue hopefully

12:07 07/11/2014

looks like sp will go to single digit

11:40 05/11/2014

if we did not have nickel production the sp price would of been less than 1p by now

02:43 05/11/2014

£100k buy might be a sell or its might be a delayed buy from earlier on or from monday

02:40 05/11/2014

tesco might go bankurpt next year and the government will not save it

23:55 04/11/2014

WHO says there is no ebola vaccine, but 2 vaccines is in testing and trail so the earliest date for proper ebola vaccine to come out will be end of next year, so don't hold your breath

23:46 04/11/2014

WHO says there is no ebola vaccine, but 2 vaccines is in testing and trail so the earliest date for proper ebola vaccine to come out will be end of next year, so don't hold your breath

23:46 04/11/2014

WHO says there is no ebola vaccine, but 2 vaccines is in testing and trail so the earliest date for proper ebola vaccine to come out will be end of next year, so don't hold your breath

23:45 04/11/2014

WHO says there is no ebola vaccine, but 2 vaccines is in testing and trail so the earliest date for proper ebola vaccine to come out will be end of next year, so don't hold your breath
