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02:41 29/05/2015

monitise partners

00:20 29/05/2015

btw theres a gap between 16p and 18p needs closing or need to be filled, hopefully thats where the sp is heading before it head down again or up hopefully, in my experience a gap will always be filled sooner or later like QFI for example 13p gap was filled which took just over a year, gla

00:13 29/05/2015

someone must know something, no news and lots of buys and sp went up, rns coming out soon?

13:06 18/05/2015

look at the charts back in december 2009 theres a gap between 12p and 12.75p, thats is why the sp dropped because the gap need to be filled or closed first before sp can go up?

01:46 10/05/2015

ain't all oil producers the same they all destroy natural environment one way or another etc look at BP oil leak and also fracking you know what damages that do

01:27 10/05/2015

now with the election done and the very large seller gone, lets hope the sp go back above the 105p next week

12:49 08/05/2015

lots of buys than sells today and the sp still stuck around 14p, what are we waiting for now to make the sp go up, christmas?

03:36 07/05/2015

get onboard for the 10p divi in 3 weeks time

01:59 27/04/2015

looks like sp will go down to 38p to 40p to fill the gap just in time for the election and june is one of the worst months for markets

12:00 23/04/2015

MAC D, and especially RSI is over bought, RSI and sp needs to come down abit before going higher?
