digitaldanuk's Posts

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it's all tied up in crappy AIM stocks haha

aint got no dolla

11:28 10/11/2014

aye, blummin robots most of em. we've weathered the storm quite well have to say (y)

11:25 10/11/2014

the site's been poorly quite often lately, it's getting hammered by people trying to exploit recent vulns in SSL

11:25 10/11/2014

it's been ok since?

11:24 10/11/2014

lol, hmm

11:22 10/11/2014

how u manage that?

11:22 10/11/2014

you saw the new look?

11:20 10/11/2014

we're working hard on our new bits and pieces here!

11:19 10/11/2014

i just stumbled here by chance
