War is great for tunsten prices, that why the times that hemerdon has been operational are WW1 and WW2
I hope not many people use t for investment advice- what it does is allows people who have never heard of it to do some research and realise this is a great opportunity
The other "miner" is New Age Exploration - they are years away from doing anything, as they are concentrating on the Lochinavar Coking Coal project on the Scottish border.
The other is New Age Exploration (ASX), at Redmoor, although they are many years off, as they have put off any work on it while they concentrate their resources on the Lochinaevar Coking Coal project, on the Scottish Border.
Ideally we ned a rising tungsten price to offset the strengthening pound. The bottom line is the companies cost base is sterling and their income is US $
I do find it amazing, people sinking their money into mining projects without understanding the industry!
No for several reasons: - Firstly the NPV is the return on the development cost, which is approx £100m. The capital cost is being funded largely by equity as opposed to debt, which will remove a large proportion of the interest charges in the earlier NPV calculations, thus increasing the NPV substantially. Secondly the NPV is based on the cureent reserve base, with the company already planning to extend the mine life by increasing the pit area and going underground, all of which requires little work to the main capital expenditure - the mill, so there is potentially significant value to bee added there and that is before the company acquires other projects. Remember RioTinto started with one mine......
Theres nothing to stop anyone buying on the ASX, there are a number of brokers that offer the service.
Whose to say a TBM cant't be used in a mining operation? Having worked at Boulby, I can see a great potential for such a use in that environment. The rock stresses are so high there (They will be no different here), that permanent tunnels (Conveyors, ventilation and transport) are not installed in the potash, as the tunnels close in extemely quickly due to the rock stresses, instead they are driven in the halite (Salt) below, which is more competent and the mine workings directly above in the potash relieve the stress, even then rock bursts are still comon. A circular tunnel is intrinscially more stable than a square one and also ventilation pressure losses are much lower, So there could be benefits in using a TBM for main ventilation drives.