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13:44 12/06/2015

zimbabwe ditcing the Zimbabwe dollaar meas little, as they did it a long time ago, with the accepted currencies being US$ and South African Rand. What they have announced is a amnesty on Zimbabwe $ giving hlders until September to change them for US$.

07:54 05/06/2015

Interesting move, as there was already an offer on the table, the BoD must have decided that this was more in the long term intersts of the company than the royalty deal.

07:52 05/06/2015

A mineral processing plant is not like a washing machine. You don't just put ore in, turn it on and then get concentrate out. Every piece of equipment needs tning and fine tuning, you need to get the ROM grade right, the crush and grind siize correct, the ct off points right on jigs and tables - all the time you will be getting something out - but not neccesarily an optimum process until everything is spot on - that process can take months.

14:11 26/05/2015

Comparing RHA's plant with Hemerdon's is like comparing chalk and cheese. Hemerdon is mining a massive tonnage of very low grade ore in a bespoke plant, RHA is mining a relatively low tonnage of high grade ore, meaning the tuning of the plant is very different to Hemerdon's which has 3 streams. Finally the RHA plant s a modular plant that has already been dry commissioned in the factory, so its a case of putting it together like Meccano, running it up and tning it - its a very simple gravity seperation making that a straightforward task. Personally, I am a qualified mining engineer who grew up in the area where gravity seperation techniques were mastered with shareholdings in both Prem and WLFE, so I like to think I am being objective in my opinion.

13:12 07/05/2015

Wolfs very future depends upon finding other projects - that maybe in the South West of England or further afield. I wuld have thought it would be a bit early in the genesis of the company to be thinking about acquisitions at present, but that has to be the goal for three years time.

08:00 29/04/2015

does anyone really believe that anybody is ging to give someone 100 million Euro and not want a significant part of the action?

13:47 28/04/2015

I have massive concers with prem and my advice would be if you are going to be massively upset if you lose your investment, probably don't invest. I have a small amount invested and its doing very nicely, but I know I could wake up tomorrow and a large proportion be gone.

13:03 27/04/2015

Prem is always going to be higher risk than Wolf down to its Geographical location (Zimbabwe), although it is currently relatively stable, it is unknown what will happen when Mugabe dies - bearing in mind that he is now 91. it is my opinion why the Market Cap on prem is so low and it will potentially have a hge rise - but there is always an element of risk there. Wolf is about as secure as mining operations gets and at its current price makes a sound long term investment, with upside on the currentproject plus at some stahe they will start looking further afield.

23:36 26/04/2015

i actually have shares in both this and Prem, both are extremely promising and one does not pose a threat to the other. They each have their strengths and weakness' and should both do well.

07:37 20/04/2015

well thats some pretty mazing news out this morning - fully funded until the end of 2016....
