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01 Feb 2015
15:27 17/08/2016

its the pink sheets ..lolololololololol like i told you salop. { usa } listing my granny i told you eegits .but the rampers have gone hehe on a vacation i dont doubt

18:04 08/07/2016

well well well..everything progressing well with nuna and the company wrn understands progress being made what a debacle total eegits

06:53 24/06/2016

its 250pm and very hot out here in japan and i have just laughed out loud at a british patirot who has told the other half about his shares in a conglomerate back in the uk yes wrn oh the irony and how nasty humans can be to take peoples savings

17:36 17/06/2016

stop the clock bloodaxe has retired but just got home from work, no big party no drinkypoos no firworks no booom or siizzle sizzle a damp squib just like this share

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