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30 Apr 2015
15:55 21/07/2015

News is surely due in the next 3 months IMO there has to be something going on in the background. DL has left to start up a new venture but hasn't taken his capital with him, if he wasn't sure that his current stake in the company wouldn't become more valuable then he would of pulled it out, the man isn't dumb.

15:52 21/07/2015

Great day for CAP-XX the market in America is smaller than the market in Europe, new that we are testing in European markets must be a massive short term boost to the Fundamental evaluation of this share price IMO

22:13 06/07/2015

Hi guys. Enjoy a lot of the serious technical breakdowns people perform on here. There are clearly more researched people on this board than myself. Is there anybody who is knowledgable about the process of Flow Testing.. E.G What is the Cost/Length/Technicalities of it?

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