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14:41 24/02/2014

the sp should reach a new high with that?

14:41 24/02/2014

see = sell

14:40 24/02/2014

will probably see some on the spike when flow rates are released

14:40 24/02/2014

not too sure on an exit price

14:40 24/02/2014

yes above the average

14:39 24/02/2014

i used last remaining funds for the .14

14:37 24/02/2014

yes a bit!

14:36 24/02/2014

glad i held my nerve here, originally bought at .2, saw .27, then watched the fall to .13, but topped up at .16 and .14 on the way down

14:35 24/02/2014

paying .22 are they? lol

14:35 24/02/2014

that's americans who have just woken up
