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13:10 06/03/2014

I'll go news on Monday, spuds on sunday - just like at my nans

12:48 06/03/2014

6-7p on spud then sell off and back down to 4p

17:59 05/03/2014

so back them and then stick the profits into TRP

17:59 05/03/2014

OEX are drilling this week!

17:05 05/03/2014

i have an overhang issue

17:05 05/03/2014

sp will move when placement shares have been cleared - peeps call it an overhang?

17:04 05/03/2014

4p is placing price, must be worth a stake here at that price

17:04 05/03/2014


13:50 05/03/2014


11:37 05/03/2014

must be time to buy then
