BuyBAO's Posts

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14:13 17/03/2014

DOR sneaking down to .15 :O

14:12 17/03/2014

i didnt buy any in the end

14:12 17/03/2014

cheers for the l2 on stel bob

11:49 17/03/2014

i'm tempted to top up

11:48 17/03/2014

l2 for stel bob?

11:47 17/03/2014

could do with some L2 over here

11:00 17/03/2014

cheers bob see you later

10:55 17/03/2014


10:53 17/03/2014

cheers for the l2s

10:53 17/03/2014

and no good for STEL
