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11:28 02/04/2014

yeah although easyjet, thomas cook, thorntons, supergroup, asos

11:28 02/04/2014

buys coming back for MIN, still hopeful for a good rise today/this week

11:27 02/04/2014

the books i've read only help on longer trades over a few months

11:27 02/04/2014

knowing when to sell is the hardest

11:25 02/04/2014

which is massive for me

11:25 02/04/2014

would have been 10k had a left investment and sold on the big day

11:25 02/04/2014

nope, i saw 1.5p mentioned and thought no chance

11:24 02/04/2014

could have been so much better!

11:24 02/04/2014

yep i bought at .24 sold at 42, bought at .7 sold at 1.1, bought at 1.5 sold at 1.2 lol

11:23 02/04/2014

good long termers the uranium mines
