BuyBAO's Posts

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15:17 03/04/2014

there was a 32 and a 16k earlier

15:16 03/04/2014

couldnt have timed that comment any better !

15:16 03/04/2014

32k sell at MIN>

15:13 03/04/2014

kiss of death

15:11 03/04/2014

looks like only one sell of 16k since 10am over there

15:10 03/04/2014

15% of pf is MIN at present

15:10 03/04/2014


15:08 03/04/2014

i see some nice buying

15:08 03/04/2014

not to be confused with Cretin

15:08 03/04/2014

come on you Creatian beauty
