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11:24 04/04/2014

pushed the price up a lot for the only buy on the general market, tough price?!

11:24 04/04/2014

ahh, isdx trades

11:22 04/04/2014

whats that?

11:07 04/04/2014

im watching FRR (bounce off .7?) MIN and GDL

11:06 04/04/2014

when i see a lower price pop up on google it makes me want to buy more not sell, hopefully this is the right attitude with this one!

11:02 04/04/2014

i should probably buy a few more

10:57 04/04/2014

a wide spread sounds on a par with double bottom

10:54 04/04/2014

and yet the action didnt start til after 8

10:53 04/04/2014

10:53 04/04/2014

looks like a well recieved set of finals
