BuyBAO's Posts

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09:26 10/04/2014

morning all

09:26 10/04/2014

14.5 to buy

15:03 09/04/2014

director buying

14:42 09/04/2014

i say you all give buy recs with those hashtags!

14:42 09/04/2014

Looking at twitter, #stocks #trading are common trends

14:42 09/04/2014

chaps DtM user ratings are tweeted to the world

14:24 09/04/2014

Welcome back Bob!

14:24 09/04/2014

Tight @ss trading range for the past few hours

10:50 09/04/2014

Up 28% sharpish

10:32 09/04/2014

Offered 12.5 :O
