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09:32 15/04/2014

i wonder who's been buying this morning!

09:32 15/04/2014


09:12 15/04/2014

or you could wait a few more days and sell at 7p

08:26 15/04/2014

Maybe they had plenty back then, have sold those and need a few more for this week

08:24 15/04/2014

Looks like another high volume day, close above 6p please

08:22 15/04/2014

It provably happened at 3-4p too

08:22 15/04/2014

I wonder what the lowest buy price was

08:21 15/04/2014

There will be daily tree shakes on high volume cause they can

08:17 15/04/2014

Choppy yeah, could of big sells - last night and this morning

21:31 14/04/2014

How about something to read while we are waiting
