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13:58 25/04/2014

any further guesses on the closing sp?

12:48 25/04/2014


12:47 25/04/2014

25p paid

12:44 25/04/2014

30p or more!

12:44 25/04/2014


12:43 25/04/2014

oh yes

12:39 25/04/2014

30p close then?

12:35 25/04/2014

Tony Bowers, Senior independent director and Vice Chairman of Quindell said: "It is disappointing that my executive directors have been forced to spend time responding to these allegations. As previously announced, the Company's lawyers have initiated legal action against those responsible for this coordinated shorting attack. I hope with this extensive response to the Gotham "research" that investors will be reassured as to the Company's transparent approach to investor relations. It is the intention of a number of the Directors to purchase shares in Quindell once they receive clearance from the appropriate regulatory bodies. I have personally taken the time to ensure that the level of detail of our response meets the needs of all of the investors, including those with whom we have personally spoken. The board continues to target the Company's move to the Main Market, as stated previously, and is looking forward to our US investor roadshow next week. With trading at the start of the year being at record levels, the board remains confident for the prospects of the Group."

12:34 25/04/2014

definitely going up!

12:33 25/04/2014

Got some of these Keith?
