BuyBAO's Posts

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16:07 28/04/2014

seems everyone has taken a few

16:00 28/04/2014

strong finish in order then?

15:49 28/04/2014

whilst i watch my real money slip away my railroad is making bank!

15:48 28/04/2014

Im playing railroad tycoon

15:47 28/04/2014

take your pick!

15:47 28/04/2014

yeah DOR, GDL

15:44 28/04/2014

hi, well done - i'm no good at this game!

15:43 28/04/2014

good stuff paul, i had a go on friday and got 24.5p

15:42 28/04/2014

Looks good for a few around here though

15:42 28/04/2014

No funds bob! Was just joking about the 500k buy
