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10:27 30/04/2014

this part being the home page lol

10:27 30/04/2014

Welcome to Hargreaves Lansdown. Sorry, this part of our website is currently unavailable. FAIL!

09:25 30/04/2014

but if PRG get a shift on and find some monsters then yeah, double bubble boom!

09:25 30/04/2014

its all about momma jo's dried fruit in the near term i think

09:24 30/04/2014

he mentioned little regarding PRG

09:24 30/04/2014

if the news is good. did you listen to our man at the conference last week?

09:23 30/04/2014

trading update should be interesting to say the least

09:22 30/04/2014

steady rises, under the radar

09:22 30/04/2014

i dont think the MMs will let this through 10p just yet

09:19 30/04/2014

i think we still have a month or 3 til the bigtime arrives but i do like these 9 day highs appearing often
