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14:18 30/04/2014

only going one way so i think i'll be here a little while

14:17 30/04/2014


14:17 30/04/2014

sorry mate, they cannot see your posts on LSE unless you post there

14:16 30/04/2014

selling over lunch i don't understand

14:14 30/04/2014

yo guests, chaps posting on LSE or III cannot see your responses (unless they are spying on this website also)

13:39 30/04/2014

something will be flying though as the lunchtime pump n dump crew are unleashed

13:38 30/04/2014

always a lull over lunch

11:48 30/04/2014

brokers citing double this sp as a target

11:48 30/04/2014

7p looks like a decent entry point

10:30 30/04/2014

AIM having a good day in general today
