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09:24 14/05/2014

Ooo err missus!

07:16 14/05/2014

Topped up the other day

07:16 14/05/2014

Should be a goodun today

16:29 13/05/2014

nice spike there

16:29 13/05/2014

i missed the excitement at 1:50 ish

08:51 13/05/2014


07:15 13/05/2014

And with the new gov in place, I suspect foreign investment will be chucked money

07:15 13/05/2014

I suspect the elections have slowed things a little but this is proof Greka has what India needs

07:14 13/05/2014

A little yes, but at least it's happening

07:12 13/05/2014

How about that for an RNS
