this is going under imho - cant see this being around for much longer
death spiral im afraid - wont be here in 6 months imho - oh well kissed my holding goodbye in this one months ago
castrolbp - the last of the big spenders eh? - you should have waited for 0.0126 imho
oh dear - we are approaching my level at 0.0126 it will come this week without a doubt - its just whether it will drop lower!
would love to know what the poor guys that financed this shower at 25p are thinking - someone there must be for the high jump!!!! how many millions did they invest?
instead of investing through the market, we should all club together and offer to loan the company some money at 90% of the share price like everyone else does - then make an easy 20/30%
Ill get freeview validation in oh next to no time - what shall we say 5 - 10 years!!!!
realised the quickest way to become rich is to set up an aim company and get people to theres a thought - who wants to invest in my new idea - tv on a phone....
Why oh why do we do it, I suppose they know there are enough mug punters ready and willing to give them their hard earned with the promise of jam tomorrow - Aim is worse than those dodgy nigerian ministers who keep calling me up.....