where next for mtv - busted flush as far as i can see - awful tech, awful company, awful bod ----- imho
oh dear - now being viewed as old tech - a system is already out that will do exactly what mtv's dongle will do!! the ship has well and truley sailed here - nothing left to give!!!! pctv - check it out - even that is not setting the world on fire is it????? #definatebustedflush
Millions being sold at 0.014 tells you all you need to know as to where this is heading - those selling at those levels will be the lucky ones very soon imho
From motive to demotivated!! Nothing left here!
And the cry is sell sell sell as mug punters escape this dire sinking ship
Dropping to that 0.012 price as I suggested earlier in the week #bustedflush
My research over the weekend is paying off already! Secret you here?
Apple deal? Lol.......lol......lol....#bustinayear IMHO
Next stop 0.012. Most holding above 0.02. If so you may as we'll write it off now and move on!