bullbeatsbear's Posts

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10:50 10/09/2014

where next for mtv - busted flush as far as i can see - awful tech, awful company, awful bod ----- imho

10:49 10/09/2014


10:49 10/09/2014

oh dear - now being viewed as old tech - a system is already out that will do exactly what mtv's dongle will do!! the ship has well and truley sailed here - nothing left to give!!!! pctv - check it out - even that is not setting the world on fire is it????? #definatebustedflush

08:38 10/09/2014

Millions being sold at 0.014 tells you all you need to know as to where this is heading - those selling at those levels will be the lucky ones very soon imho

08:26 10/09/2014

From motive to demotivated!! Nothing left here!

08:24 10/09/2014

And the cry is sell sell sell as mug punters escape this dire sinking ship

08:19 10/09/2014

Dropping to that 0.012 price as I suggested earlier in the week #bustedflush

20:23 09/09/2014

My research over the weekend is paying off already! Secret you here?

20:22 09/09/2014

Apple deal? Lol.......lol......lol....#bustinayear IMHO

08:35 09/09/2014

Next stop 0.012. Most holding above 0.02. If so you may as we'll write it off now and move on!
