its all smoke and mirrors im afraid to temp in more mug punters with the promise of unbelievable tech - that is already dated - and incredible value to come - all of which i believe is absolute tosh - i fear this company will/may be a busted flush within the year
before diluting further, when and if they want i have said so many times, this will never go above 0.02 at least not for a very long time
Bergan control this now, and will manipulate it to their hearts content
Bergen have a grip on this now - the bod obviously got nervous and sold out any shareholder value
the only thing that has happened is MISSED DEADLINES and DILUTION
we were promised jam tomorrow - with spectacular earnings and growth this year
I was suckered into this without proper research and have paid the price - I was lucky enough to see the light and bail at 0.018
the tech is already out there - NO ONE wants it or is interested - they will be even more uninterested when MTV launch their dongle