bullbeatsbear's Posts

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14:43 10/09/2014

200% rise in a day....pppffff dream on.....#deluded

14:43 10/09/2014

as soon as this breaches 0.014 there is no stopping it until 0.012 which is where i will buy back in hoping for that dead cat bounce

14:38 10/09/2014

remind me again - what are the bod being paid handsomely for.........oh yes shareholder value.......seems like they owe us something

14:36 10/09/2014

New LOW about to be set......ding ding knock out blow coming......

14:32 10/09/2014

bod - hold your heads in SHAME!

14:28 10/09/2014

bergan showing everyone how to make money here - pump and dump - rinse and repeat -gathering more as you go!!!

14:26 10/09/2014

and another +8% drop today

14:25 10/09/2014

the only chance to make anything now is to buy at 0.012 and hope for a DEAD CAT BOUNCE!!!!! SHOCKING - JUST SHOCKING

14:24 10/09/2014

WOW - JUST WOW -----A near 35% drop in the BID over 4 trading sessions

14:22 10/09/2014

watch this space - i really hope im wrong for all the long term holders - but unfortunately believe im right
