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08:33 11/09/2014


08:32 11/09/2014

Bergan shouldn't be blamed, they are only doing their job of making money, the one culpable for inviting them in are the bod!

08:30 11/09/2014


08:29 11/09/2014

Look at the facts and make your own decisions! Lol. The only proven fact about MTV is the current share price - now just remind me how far it's fallen just this week.......#deludedrampers

08:25 11/09/2014

0.012 on its way!

08:25 11/09/2014

The only people making money here are the bod and bergan

08:23 11/09/2014

When was the last time revenue figures were quoted in an rns - makes you wonder what they are trying to hide #badnewscoming

08:22 11/09/2014

Share price decimated and the bod stay silent! Pi,s treated with contempt!!!

08:18 11/09/2014

Time to bite the bullet guys

08:17 11/09/2014

And down we go - how much has it dropped in less than a week!
