bullbeatsbear's Posts

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13:33 11/09/2014

JAM TOMORROW - wheres the revenue - give us some figures at least

12:47 11/09/2014


12:47 11/09/2014

"MAJOR" BROADCASTERS - jam tomorrow - where is the promised rapid growth revenues - in fact why havent we been informed of any of the supposed revenues

12:41 11/09/2014


12:40 11/09/2014

WHERE ARE THE promised rapid growth revenues

12:40 11/09/2014

ha ha and still the sp drops!!!! JAM TOMORROW

12:27 11/09/2014

2hrs and no comments.......#bustedflush

11:41 11/09/2014

0.014 about to be broken i think

11:07 11/09/2014


11:07 11/09/2014

now dropped - wish it had not dropped
