there is no hope of this ever getting back above 0.02 imho #bustedflush
another down day - is that 6 or 7 in a row now
what is the main job of any bod - to give value to shareholders??? if so this bod need to GO!!! #bustedflush
along with shareholder decimation - although the bod are still getting paid!!!
funding and dilution go hand in hand im afraid!
at least you can look on the bright side - you weren't in BHR who are themselves on a deathspiral ....... for the same reason as here - except they dropped 40% today after issuing an rns
as soon as the buys come in the the seller dumps more - cant you see you are playing into his hands!!!!! doh - this wont even attempt to rise until bergan have taken their next tranche #bustedflush #deathspiral
oh dear the little mini rally seems to have come to a halt - did warn you not to buy in here for a couple of days whilst the dust buy in price is 0.125
and down she goes!!! bergan has killed any chance of profit here