bullbeatsbear's Posts

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15:16 17/09/2014

share consolidation is the next step here i fear......consolidate and then dilute...... mark my words

15:15 17/09/2014

over 80000000 dumped by our big seller today alone - add that to the 240000000 dumped yesterday and someone thinks this is a bag of poo!

15:14 17/09/2014


13:26 17/09/2014

71million now dumped by bergen today alone I fear.....

13:10 17/09/2014

Mind you dreaming is better than the present nightmare this stock has become!!!

13:08 17/09/2014


13:08 17/09/2014

to become a 1.5billion pound co. this would have to 300 bag!!! #deluded

12:29 17/09/2014

haha someone is saying that by next year we will be a £1.5 billion pound company!!!!!!!!!!!!! #deluded just to recap we are presently valued at £5 million..... hahaha what a muppet -we will be lucky to be worth £1million soon...

12:26 17/09/2014

bergen seem to have dumped about 69000000 today alone

10:30 17/09/2014

just some bottom feeders i would think
