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09:53 26/09/2014


09:53 26/09/2014

bod - hold your heads in shame

09:52 26/09/2014

so thats the world cup and now ryder cup that we cant watch on t.t.v. - what a shambles!!

09:52 26/09/2014

another down day coming - seem to be saying that rather a lot these days!! #bustedflush

16:24 25/09/2014

its going to be a long long time before this comes good

16:24 25/09/2014

another down day #bustedflush

16:28 24/09/2014

ho hum - dumperty dump dump - told you so!

15:43 24/09/2014

another day another drop in share price - when and where will it end

14:42 24/09/2014

cant buy more than 7 milllion --- lol who you trying to kid - bergan will sell you as many as you want #deluded

14:38 24/09/2014

mmm the expected rally didnt really materialise at 2.30 now did it - #playedlikeafiddle
