bullbeatsbear's Posts

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14:28 30/09/2014

business acumen of a gnat!

14:27 30/09/2014

#deluded current investors and #moredeluded prospective investors - l.c.d. - they will lose their money

14:26 30/09/2014

either that or he has boring friends

14:25 30/09/2014

shaa on LSE must go to awful weddings! ha ha ha

14:25 30/09/2014

just one example - your on the tube and the champions league is on ----- ha ha ha - and just where are you going to position to tpod!!! hahahaha #deluded

still think so?

13:55 30/09/2014

ha ha hd - my arris it is! no one makes a hd dongle!!

13:22 30/09/2014

looks like the bulls have lost on this share as the bears are in full control and will take it down to 0.0125 given the opportunity

13:22 30/09/2014

Another bully gem for you - this company is a #bustedflush

13:21 30/09/2014

Here is my next nuggat - the sp will not go above 0.02 before easter!! there you go - remember it and if i am proved to be wrong i wont post on this bb again!! THE BULL IS ALWAYS CORRECT
