bullbeatsbear's Posts

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08:25 30/01/2015

Has Mtv been suspended or just been put out of its misery - half hour in and no volume traded!!!

08:34 27/01/2015

Oh dear.....that...is...all....!

08:12 26/01/2015

Will we break down lower than 0.011 this weekend? I think so

08:16 21/01/2015

Worst share on aim

08:15 21/01/2015

Consolidation on its way!

08:15 21/01/2015

.001 is all it takes!

08:14 21/01/2015

Nominal value approaching

08:14 21/01/2015

The only way to make money with Mtv is to short it!

08:13 21/01/2015

Down down deeper and down - why would any new investor even want to buy in here?

08:37 19/01/2015

Market sees the rns as a non event- down she goes - nominal value on its way
