bullbeatsbear's Posts

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15:20 18/07/2014

you just know that the big RNS is going to come on monday now........ the warrants werent issued on a whim - they were there as a reward - not much of a reward if they cant take them!!!!

15:14 18/07/2014

Wonder who dumped 25Million of these just as the rns came out......Whoops!!!

15:10 18/07/2014

***BIG RISE***

15:07 18/07/2014

RNS out

15:07 18/07/2014

mmm warrants given before the bid rise - confident of 0.03p then

13:17 18/07/2014

£8k worth - what do they know if anything

13:17 18/07/2014

now that 50M sell is a bit worrying

13:14 18/07/2014

a little pause perhaps - or the regular drop that always seems to happen - personally feeling confident about these now - news must be released before the agm

12:02 18/07/2014

how much has bergan weighed this down ... shouldnt be any where near these levels

14:39 09/07/2014

wonder when they will show the 30k share purchase at 2.24...................delayed trade perhaps?
