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09:14 07/04/2014

Ah, you are taking a trade of 1.35 as a rise against the mid price. lol

09:13 07/04/2014

Yes, 1.89% is almost 2%, well done but where are yiou seeing it ? I dont see a rise anywhere. Just static at the moment

Can anyone else see the 2% rise that Mudita spoke of ? or am I missing something somewhere ?

didn't this happen last week too ? All buys coming in just before we dropped back a little ?

Mudita, where are you seeing a 2% rise already ?

17:39 04/04/2014

Back down again, who would have thought it. Must be all these buys posted as sells thats caused it. OR was it all those sells posted as buys that we have seen all week. Could be just the mm's playing their little games again. They must be getting fed up now, they've been doing all the way from 8p+

12:38 04/04/2014

those mm's just love to play their silly games.

12:20 04/04/2014

Kiwi, yes, it should start moving again soon. The worrying part is, which way ?

11:17 04/04/2014

It looks like whatever was occurring this last week has come to an abrupt end

09:41 04/04/2014

I remember same thing happening at 7.25 and 6.7 Buy after buy coming in and then the sp fell. Hope this is 3rd time lucky and we actually have a decent rise from here. We could certainly use it.
