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22 Jul 2013
10:59 11/06/2014

Now 2.25. Unfortunately with no buying pressure it is the selling at these prices that is bringing the sp down. It is a self fulfilling prophesy. But I suppose if you must you must. Also who said BNK can't find gas?

13:07 26/02/2014

Re: Scores on the doors . My experience of very rich people is that they certainly don't throw away their loose change.

12:14 21/02/2014

heivers. I am hoping that Halliburton and others are just waiting for clarity from the Polish government before committing further. Hopefully this will be soon.

09:32 14/02/2014

Turkey. I have notice that on the government website for mergers and aquisitions that they were posted at weekly intervals up until the 29th Jan and then nothing for 2 weeks. So it is not just us waiting.

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