BigSwede's Posts

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15:11 17/02/2017

Oh dear! Investors Chronicle don't seem to rate this offer of 1 for 15. I wonder what they know that we don't.

09:08 09/02/2017

Well done everyone at Cyan. Onwards and upwards!

11:27 08/12/2016

Rights Issue: Completely at a loss re this. Nothing from Halifax re buying the 9 for 13 at £1.53 but instead have got the right number of shares added to my accounts at 29p per share. What's going on??????

19:37 08/03/2016

Today's payment of 8p per share brings the total to date to £1.69. The duputy chairman bought shares just prior to "the end" at £1:88 per share. Either we are all in for a fairly good final payment in Sept or he must be feeling pretty sick right now!

13:04 12/01/2016

After Pure Wafer did their consolidation the price really took off - here's hoping for a repeat performance!

17:11 14/10/2015

In the New Year Cyan will be dead and gone and our funds with it. This share is never going to anywhere except down.

14:26 06/08/2015

Would anyone like to make a guess at the likely price after the special dividend is paid?

19:05 10/06/2015

Will the payout be it £1:10 - £1:40 or whatever be paid as a dividend or a cash payment?

09:25 17/02/2015

Stick with it shipmates - this share will recover. Give it time.

14:44 19/01/2015

The management here have done a good job over the last year / eighteen months. The fire was undoubtedly extremely bad luck but I am holding because I think they will emerge from this better than they were before the fire and in the round it will be onwards and upwards!
