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14:55 21/11/2014

The ask price is up to 9.5 cents from 9 cents yesterday and 8.5 cents last week on the TSX.

20:27 20/11/2014

Windrush - Sorry to burst your bubble but first of all, financing will be well before March - hopefully very very soon actually. Secondly, they won't run out of money. Macquarie has been funding them - they're not just a bank for them, but also a major shareholder. Macquarie is their safety net. That's why I'm very confident loading up now. If we're buying low and selling high, this is low, and I believe it's THE low.

01:36 20/11/2014

I've made quite a bit of money over the last year and a half during very bad times for miners. The secret is to buy a lot of shares at times like this.

01:35 20/11/2014

If financing comes through in a week or two after the 3rd quarter results as Mr Chamberlain said was a possibility last week, it could come together next week.

00:14 17/11/2014

Oh yes, and Ollachea is open in all directions. Some think there could be 5 million oz there!!!

00:13 17/11/2014

You have to be a contrarian to succeed in this market, but a lot of money can be made. Buy low, sell high!

00:13 17/11/2014

They will produce 930,000 oz over the first 9 years - that's over $1,100,000,000 at current POG. Sustaining costs are only $646 per oz.

00:08 17/11/2014

Look at the chart - MIRL was over 90p in 2011. It will be in much better shape now as soon as financing goes through.

00:06 17/11/2014

I meant "known" for being very honest.

00:05 17/11/2014

That's Brad's (the CFO) influence. He always insists on saying worst case scenario. I talked to him a few weeks ago and he said that although he can't discuss the progress, he's confident the financing will come together. Brad won't say that if it's not true. Courtney also said he's confident. He's knows for being very honest.
