bargainhunt1's Posts

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22:44 03/06/2015


15:42 02/06/2015

IMO if they shake the tree to much the bough will break

16:43 01/06/2015

Quick question ..can an rns be released when markets are closed?

11:49 01/06/2015

showing only sales since 10.40

11:12 01/06/2015

lots of sales going through now

07:20 26/05/2015

when are you all expecting the next announcement?

20:16 21/05/2015

lets hope a certain mr white is not involved (craig) ns

14:59 21/05/2015

Thats a big un

09:05 21/05/2015

SALES lots showing up on HL

08:20 20/05/2015

sell .35 buy .36 HL
