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10:07 19/03/2014

ZEMA green light should equal start of production and SP appreciation, ZEMA red light and itll crash and burn, temporarily at least

10:07 19/03/2014

what evidence? it's waiting for ZEMA, kind of a binary bet in the short-medium term

10:06 19/03/2014

usually I got down in equal increments, so £100pp 2.2, £100pp 2.1 etc etc.... but I'm a tad top heavy in BMR. will sort that out if it happens to go sub 1.5p, if not then no worries anyway as the others will come back into profit

10:05 19/03/2014

the avg atm is 2.14 as I recall, so it's a bit in the red. hasn't quite eaten up all my gains on TRP from sub 4p though

10:04 19/03/2014

I never said anything of the kind. you must have been smoking the salvia

09:59 19/03/2014


09:59 19/03/2014

if all my orders down below got filled and SP tanked to zero it'd top out at just over 12

09:58 19/03/2014

re exposure that is.

09:58 19/03/2014

about 8% of my pot with igindex schady, why do you ask?

09:25 19/03/2014

maybe he's just forgetful
