anovas's Posts

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07:56 28/04/2017 in you opinion we should wait, maybe several years, while the majors make up their minds and do the first drill. I think that would be mad!!!

20:49 13/06/2016

Well said Sharemate

15:56 11/06/2016

Is it not obvious what the money is going to be used my very humble opinion, to take advantage of the very low prices of drilling rigs!!!!

11:16 15/10/2015

Shadow, TOR, whom you call Baby is not involved at all. See: [link]

14:28 22/12/2014

Shadow....who is holding a gun to your head to stay in this share?

13:41 22/12/2014

Sorry JR...I meant Shadow...what stinks?

13:39 22/12/2014

JR....what stinks?
