all well and good posting articles about hydro but rur havent got any dough so wots it got to do with them?
assets are safe? really.....what a fantasy some of the lse mob have created for themselves....
carnage cometh if a sub 3p trade pops up.
how is swooped not already filled with grand embarassment? never before seen a poster be so wrong over and over again and yet stay so arrogant.......
someone please tell asif that the money from rur will be paid directly to turbocare....
why the lse mob are suprised by this drop is wierd, its been on the cards for months. I personally think it will drop further.
funny, been watching this share for over 3 years and never seen asif posting up until last week.
these guys need to read the rns, 4.4 mil owed to turbocare, looking to settle with iris which could be 3.2 mil and the ppa expires next month....nav is the least of its worries.
If RUR were close to deals or had a sniff of any money coming in then why have they opted for a loan to pay off IPSA...I mean it's not rocket science is it....
These lot make it up, one of em says takeover and the rest of em pile on like it's a dead cert lol!