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Allisfair's Posts

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08:40 24/02/2015

i left lse because I got sick of them, endless guffing and shouting down valid and informative posts whilst spinning their fantasies and sucking people in.

08:18 24/02/2015

8p average is tough, peraonally I still think rur has a future, I believe ipsa is doomed if iris win their appeal. rur defo meeds to sell some projects or assets to raise capital though, without cash they are treading water and may lose projects.

21:03 23/02/2015

err it had to give the cash to turbocare which it is currently in default to the tune of over 3 mil....dont you read rns?

17:07 23/02/2015 embarrased are these posters going to be.....

16:51 23/02/2015

lol asif aint clocked on yet haha!

15:19 23/02/2015

these guys seem to be oblivious to the fact that any money from rur is going straight turbocare to pay off a settlement that is currently in default.....

09:37 23/02/2015

interest rate rises in the US to add to the perfect storm.

13:59 22/02/2015

IRIS interims soon, should get an update on the appeal. Crunchtime for IPSA, IRIS appeal, Turbocare payment and PPA expiry....gulp!

13:10 20/02/2015

frustrated after a week....try 3 years lol!

18:17 19/02/2015

yeah 3 mil from Rurelec which they give straight to Turbocare.....
