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AHW123's Posts

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10:53 14/03/2015

Thanks Yoda for your extremely well informed posts, they really are interesting and a big help for myself and many other investors i'm sure.

13:36 11/03/2015

Aberdeenman you really seem to know your stuff, and I wondered in your opinion what you think the percentage change of this licence being granted to AMC is. Thanks

12:18 11/03/2015

Hi guys I'm fairly new here but would be interested in your thoughts. It strikes me with the current market cap incredibly low at 7m and with all of the IP and platforms ValiRx have underdevelopment and 201 in trails on track this appears to be a very safe investment as they could surely sell out for way more than this at any point! and the share price decay doesn't seem to relate to the drug development programme and more towards how they managed there finances and long term investors interests
