1private's Posts

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12:34 30/03/2015

we would have been better of without the RNS.

12:11 30/03/2015

I vote not to sell or in this case give the company away, I thought they were good at their job they are just asset stripping.

11:34 30/03/2015

Ms will keep this volatile for as long as they can they get money either way

10:51 30/03/2015

cautioussid are looking at a different board to me

10:41 30/03/2015

now £.49

10:13 30/03/2015

Looks like MMs are going to stew us over again what a crock.

10:09 30/03/2015

still only 10p old money not good enough for me ime afraid i expected a lot more than this at least pre consolidation would be a good start,

09:30 30/03/2015

Now that SG have done the DD why sell they have proved what we have been saying all along so i say no to selling.

08:57 30/03/2015

60 119

08:51 30/03/2015

Buy 10,000 shares and get £10,000 by dividend no brainner why are they selling idiots and no tax
