If this does the same as it did last Monday we should see 6p today
Good on you FX_Wizard wish you all the luck in the world you should be proud of yourself.
Sorry Newboy missed your point but i here what you say.
Newboy how can you possibly say QPP is a mess part of it was sold for 670m with the rest valued at around 6oom, i wish i could build a bad company like that, could you Newboy.
Without RT this company will go no were , it will lose most of its investors, i for one only bought into DAN because RT bought in, Its one of those companies on AIM that no one will look at and will be doing placing after placing till they cant borrow any more money and at the end of it the only losers will be US PIs the directors will just go on and start another investment company that will go the same way, AIM is risky anyway, companies have to take any opportunities to grow that come their way, if they don't then they are negligent.
I got BT infinity because it only cost a couple of quid a month and i dont have to worry about usage before i got it i kept getting bills for over use it only takes the kids to down load and i went over and the bill was quite high, get a good deal and by the full infinity, Hope that helps
zooropa i think that went over most of our heads but good effort, i think i may just have got the jist.
Well i have got a sell 1m at 4.5 but will add if the price drops of on Monday.
Has RT said anything on Twitter, i don't subscribe to it