1private's Posts

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16:27 22/05/2015

ever feel like youve been sc---d

15:02 22/05/2015

What did Zack Mir say 6p in the next couple of sessions good look with that one Zack.

13:46 22/05/2015

bought 500k at 1.65 not showed up

09:15 22/05/2015

could be filling an order for one of their mates.

07:46 22/05/2015

How much do micro chips cost to produce, and we all know what happened to them Silicon Valley. also CPX are the producer not the Retailer and producers always make less profit.

07:42 22/05/2015

I think some here are missing the point , if you win a contract worth 40m then the contract is worth 40m regardless of the price. and each contract will be different.

07:08 22/05/2015

Cordless screwdrivers they take ages to charge, they would be great in devices like power tools.

07:07 22/05/2015

Dyson could do with one of those Supercapacitors their machines take an age to charge.

21:55 21/05/2015

Future price 22p 2016

15:43 21/05/2015

now gone from one extreme to the other sell 3.96 buying at 3.985.
