made some money from RXP so time to go shopping
PLAN "B";; On wards and up wards,when all the information has been gathered in.Then we have mercury to tackle,, that will take some sorting out,Kea have got a couple of guys that can do that regards jmc
Last checked at 22/08/2014 07:50:45 Share Price: 0.95 Bid: 0.90 Ask: 1.00 Change: 0.025 (+2.70%) Spread: 0.10 Spread as %: 11.11% Open: 0.80 High: 0.00 Low: 0.00 Yesterday’s Close: 0.925
IN Im still here,not going any where,," its not over until the fat lady sings" At present the song is still being written..regards jmc
Yes and after Friday it will be free of the Darwin dilutive concern (that's in fact already priced in)
Darwin Friday was priced in the day it was announced. Everything that is known is priced in.
Put it this way.... I see a LOT of upside versus further downside... and things always rebound.. nobody's going to short now....! unless ther are from Brewsters millions....
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