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LGO been oversold too. hit bottom 1.1p this week. now bouncing back up. producing huge 1500 bopd per day and profitable as cost is much cheaper. and yet mcap still cheaper than UKOG and other oilers who are not even producing
LGO and WRES for me next week rerating potential
i sold LGO earlier. top up WRES. will multibag next week hopefully
Keep track of the basics and they are looking good for LGO, I made the mistake to get out last year and missed the opportunity to make some good Money on this share, and I am back in now and will not make my mistake again!
Bought another £1k @ 1.50.. My avg is way lower now...
What are the chances production from wells 672, 673 and 674 take the total production back up to 1950bopd....just under the 2000😃
I think the shorters cannot get this down much more, probably time to be brave and buy. Best Doji
Remember the words of dear Warren the stock market is a way of the impatient giving money to the patient. Hold strong people all will come good
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