LGO Stream Log

11:18 20/08/2014

Should the transaction not be completed by 27 September 2014 due to LGO acting without cause, LGO will pay CRL a break-fee of US$250,000.

11:57 19/08/2014

SP, I would expect the unexpected here, the SP will surpass all expectations. Best Doji

21:00 10/08/2014


19:23 10/08/2014


14:47 10/08/2014

Spike why should it spike?

09:30 01/08/2014

SP will continue to rise from here, 4.00pennies will look cheap in a few weeks. Best Doji

09:10 31/07/2014

hi all off topic, but has anyone else noticed the excellent GPX rns this morning, they have FOUND oil in morrocco, and price is still a paltry 56p

07:43 31/07/2014

Better than expected!

10:44 30/07/2014

CRND fltying

14:28 25/07/2014

lol what moron voted +1500 bopd way to manage your expectations when the co was estimating 80-120 from each well

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