Doriemus - DOR Stream Log

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07:36 25/04/2014

Must search for more cash behind the sofa

07:35 25/04/2014

They could have updated us earlier than today!

16:31 24/04/2014

Me and about 15 guests

16:31 24/04/2014

And thanks you too!

16:31 24/04/2014

haha yes!

16:30 24/04/2014

so i see it as a positive

16:30 24/04/2014

happened before news last time

16:30 24/04/2014

i think so

16:25 24/04/2014

late buys

15:46 24/04/2014

i was hoping to see a trip to .12 for some selling - MMs picking up some cheap ones for tomorrow