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11:23 25/04/2014

SP is being supported well today though!

11:16 25/04/2014

new policy to not go chasing spikes and sit on losers

11:16 25/04/2014

yeah, shame i didn't act!

11:14 25/04/2014

actually dropped to 6.10 but at 7.13 now

11:14 25/04/2014

BuyBAO 08:17 6.4 to buy SOU 7p+ finish today?

08:17 25/04/2014

6.4 to buy SOU 7p+ finish today?

08:16 25/04/2014

SOU good news today

08:16 25/04/2014

thst should provide the biggest boom

08:15 25/04/2014

im going to wait until HH news is out

08:15 25/04/2014

I don't think it'll be another month but I don't mind that